Islam is on the rise in a continent once dominated by Roman Catholicism, but the Vatican is keen on maintaining what influence it can. You need to understand how ominous political and social developments in Europe will affect you in the years ahead.
When you die, will you inherit a cloud of your very own? Will God give you a harp and a sheet of music? Or does He have something far more inspiring planned for you?
Are you experiencing the blessings of the New Covenant in your life? Many do not understand the Christian's relationship to God's law, and how it is written on the heart of a Christian.
It was not that long ago that secularism appeared to be the "wave of the future." Why have so many returned to religion—and what does this portend for the years ahead?
We commonly hear of people seeking wealth, power and prestige. How often do we hear of someone seeking to develop greater character? What can character do for you?
The most honest and informative comment I ever heard on this subject came from a sincere young man who said, "I want to be an individual… just like all my friends." How could anyone state more simply and...
Perhaps the major weakness in most people's approach to religion is their lukewarm and careless approach to Truth. In our time of "political correctness"—of conforming to this world's society with its...
Today, many assume that the "gospel" is simply about Jesus—that He loves us and died for us, and that those who give their hearts to Him will go to heaven. This "good news" is presumed to be the essence of...
Sixty years ago this October, the United Nations was established. Inaugurated officially on October 24, 1945, the UN was the brainchild of a world still freshly mindful of the horrors of World War II—the...
The numbers are staggering, and the extent of human suffering is almost unimaginable to people who live in affluent parts of the world. Today—in the 21st century—nearly half of the world's six billion human...
You probably have a Bible somewhere in your home. Year after year, the Bible is the world's best-selling book. Yet most people know very little about this amazing book and what it contains. The Bible...
Media bias is a hot topic for many in the United States. Last June, a Pew Research Center survey revealed that 60 percent of Americans consider the press "politically biased." Only 21 percent believe that...
The world will experience shocking events over the next five to ten years, yet most people are not even remotely prepared. The vast majority of Americans and Canadians—even most professing Christian...
Many Bible prophecies describe specific events that will arise on the world scene as we approach the end of the age—the period of time just before Jesus Christ returns to this earth to establish the Kingdom...
Question: Christians are supposed to teach Jesus Christ and Him crucified, and that He rose from the dead. Why, then, does your magazine so often refer to the books of the Old Testament?...
Sex pervades our modern culture. Some consider it a "forbidden fruit," while others seek to experience it in all its forms. But what does it mean to a Christian—and what part should it play in your life?...
We live in an age of increasing scarcity that was foretold in Bible prophecy. As nations face the loss of vital resources, what will happen to our world?
In August 1945, two nuclear explosions devastated Japan, and changed the world forever. Sixty years later, are we living on the brink of nuclear cosmocide?
In June of 1969, a pilot was practicing with a strange-looking flying machine. This pilot had a reputation for "staying with the ship" until the very last moment, only an instant before it was too late to...
We of Tomorrow's World believe that we are commanded by God to get back to the original Christianity of Jesus and the apostles. We are deeply committed to "Restoring Apostolic Christianity"—living by the...
Are you a "trousered ape" or a creation of God? Are science and religion in conflict, or does the physical evidence agree with the spiritual evidence that God created the universe and everything within it?...
Is there meaning in your life? Do you know what your future will hold? Even most who call themselves Christians do not understand the full reason why God created and sustains the universe. But you can...
Is your faith based on evidence, or is it "blind faith"? God has given Christians vital and encouraging proofs that He exists and that He has a plan for mankind!
What is the best way to cope with an unhappy marriage? Many unhappily married people assume that divorce will make them happier—but the evidence tells a far different story.
The very real God of the Bible is certainly hearing the literal "groans" of the suffering people of Southeast Asia. As they—and we—are deeply humbled by the awesome forces of creation that God has set in...
The descendants of Ephraim in Britain offer a vivid example of how God's chosen people are turning away from their Creator. England and Scotland provided prominent religious leaders during the Reformation,...