What matters most in your life? Are you seeking wealth, power and prestige? Are you seeking peace of mind, security and comfort? Before you can attain true success, you have to know what it is!
Jesus said at the end of the age the Second Horseman—riding a fiery red horse and waving a great sword—would "take peace from the earth, and… people should kill one another" (Revelation 6:3–4). The sobering reality of modern world news indicates that end time prophecies—of increasing violence and wars—are coming alive today!
Most people do not like to face reality, especially when looming reality is unpleasant. It is much easier to look the other way—hoping that "bad things" will never happen. It is also easier to procrastinate than to take action.
From Iraq to Afghanistan, and from Bosnia to Biafra, mankind has watched nations struggle, and has sought to rebuild them. Mankind's record is one of failure, but there are guidelines for success—in the pages of your Bible!
As conflict rages unabated in Israel and surrounding countries, tensions continue to rise. Will Muslim nations drive Israel into the sea? Will foreign troops enforce peace upon Jerusalem? The Bible reveals the surprising truth!