Are you a "trousered ape" or a creation of God? Are science and religion in conflict, or does the physical evidence agree with the spiritual evidence that God created the universe and everything within it?...
Is there meaning in your life? Do you know what your future will hold? Even most who call themselves Christians do not understand the full reason why God created and sustains the universe. But you can...
Is your faith based on evidence, or is it "blind faith"? God has given Christians vital and encouraging proofs that He exists and that He has a plan for mankind!
What is the best way to cope with an unhappy marriage? Many unhappily married people assume that divorce will make them happier—but the evidence tells a far different story.
The very real God of the Bible is certainly hearing the literal "groans" of the suffering people of Southeast Asia. As they—and we—are deeply humbled by the awesome forces of creation that God has set in...
The descendants of Ephraim in Britain offer a vivid example of how God's chosen people are turning away from their Creator. England and Scotland provided prominent religious leaders during the Reformation,...
Every year, millions of unborn babies are being murdered in their mothers' wombs. What does today's widespread acceptance of abortion tell us about ourselves, and about our modern society? What will be the...
For more than 200 years, other nations have looked to the United States as a bastion of democracy. In recent years, however, former allies have distanced themselves, and the spread of Islam has challenged...
As the world's only remaining superpower, can—and should—the United States use its economic and military strength to enforce its values on other nations? Bible prophecy warns that U.S. entanglements...
Do you pray regularly? Does God always answer your prayers? When you feel that your prayers are not being answered, where do you turn? The Bible offers practical strategies that can help you recognize—and...
On Easter, billions celebrate the resurrection of Jesus Christ. But how many really know what they are doing? Many do not realize that the first Christians did not celebrate Easter—and that Scripture offers...
In our desire to be "nice" or "tolerant," we may unwittingly water down our entire concept of right and wrong. In this "tolerant" spirit, some assume that all religions are equal—that God has not revealed...
God warned through the prophet Jeremiah that "all your lovers have forgotten [forsaken] you… I have wounded you with the wound of an enemy… because your sins have increased… in the latter days you will...
Question: In Isaiah 26:14, the prophet Isaiah seems to indicate that the dead will not be resurrected. However, we know that Jesus Christ taught the hope of the resurrection. To what, then...
Nearly everyone wants to know what the future holds, yet it is widely believed that no one can accurately predict the future. The God of the Bible, however, boldly states: "I am God, and there is none like Me.
An enormous danger to the very survival of western civilization is now presenting itself. It will soon have a more dramatic and powerful effect upon our nations than any massive earthquake in the history of mankind.