| Tomorrow's World

The Bible, or Human Tradition?

Paul the Apostle long ago saw what happens when people remove boundaries: 'For the time will come when men will not put up with sound doctrine. Instead, to suit their own desires, they will gather around them a great number of teachers to say what their itching ears want to hear.'

Are You Spooked by Halloween?

Is Halloween an appropriate holiday for a Christian? Is it harmless fun, or a dangerously inappropriate custom? What should you do on October 31 when the ghouls and goblins arrive at your door?

Do You Know the Real Jesus?

When you think of Jesus Christ, do you think of the weak and effeminate Jesus often portrayed in the media? The Bible reveals the real Jesus—and He is quite different from what many imagine!

Cities of Tomorrow

Cities today are undergoing great upheavals as they grow beyond their capacities. Do you know what the Bible tells us about the cities of tomorrow—and about the central role today's Christians will play?

Why Prophecy?

Is Bible prophecy something that we need not—or perhaps cannot—understand? Or is it vital to the daily life, and future hope, of Christians? Why did God give us Bible prophecy? You need to know!
