Did Jesus Christ abolish the health laws given in the Old Testament, or are they still relevant today? Can biblical health laws, given thousands of years ago, be meaningful and practical in today's society? The answer may surprise you!
Every year, billions rejoice at the resurrection of Jesus Christ. Yet most do not realize that the Bible tells a very different story than they usually hear from the pulpit. What is the truth about Jesus' resurrection?
Where do we get our concept of family? Where do we get our concept of God? The Bible reveals that these two concepts are inextricably linked, and that they teach us vital truths about God's love—and His plan—for all humanity.
Which day do you set aside to worship your Savior? Has the Sabbath day been changed? If so, under whose authority was it changed—and what does this mean for true followers of Jesus Christ? Might you have been misled?
We have all wondered about life after death. Will we simply cease to exist forever? Will we spend eternity in a cloud-filled heaven or a fiery hell? Understanding what the Bible really teaches about our future can give our lives hope, peace, joy and real meaning.