| Tomorrow's World

Do You Have What It Takes?

What are you willing to give up in order to be Christ's disciple? What are you unwilling to give up? Are you putting anything in your life ahead of God? Jesus gave some powerful advice to a rich young ruler. Does that advice apply to you?

The Lady of Nations

Millions venerate Mary, Jesus' mother, with such titles as "Mother of God" and "Queen of Heaven" without realizing that these are pre-Christian titles, condemned by Scripture. Why do so many treat Mary with the same veneration once given to pagan mother goddess figures? Scripture reveals the startling truth!

Signs of the Second Coming

How can we know if, or when, Jesus Christ will return? The Bible reveals clear signs that will herald the return of our Savior. The good news is that Jesus Christ will soon establish peace on earth, and prepare humanity for its eternal destiny as part of His family.

The Greatest Land Deal Ever?

On the 200th anniversary of the Louisiana Purchase, history and Scripture show us that God is faithful to His promises. Many in the United States credit God for the nation's prosperity and blessings. But few realize that these blessings were foretold millennia ago in Scripture!

The "Hidden" Message of Jesus Christ

Millions who call themselves followers of Jesus Christ know far more about the Messenger than about His Message. What is that message, and how will it affect your future—your eternity—in God's Kingdom? You may be surprised by what the Bible really says about your ultimate destiny!
