Is someone you love overwhelmed by fears? Do you find yourself troubled by worries that are affecting your ability to cope with daily life? The Bible offers proven strategies for finding true peace of mind...
Many have been intrigued by the mix of fact and fiction in the recent bestseller The Da Vinci Code. Was "Christianity" really hijacked by non-Christian forces in the centuries after Christ? The answer may...
"Speaking in tongues" is nowadays a much-misunderstood phenomenon. Some insist that "ecstatic speech" is evidence of the indwelling Holy Spirit. Others consider it optional or even dangerous. What is the...
Scientists are making groundbreaking discoveries about the planet Mars. Is there really evidence of water on Mars? Is there life? What does this mean for a Christian—and what can it teach us about the...
There are many terrible sins besetting the British-descended and American peoples. But one of the most awful and most fundamental sins today is that our peoples are beginning to embrace something they would...
Warnings about famine may sound absurd to affluent overfed nations in Western Europe, North America and other parts of the world, where obesity is a growing problem! However, large segments of the human...
We have all wondered about life after death. Will we simply cease to exist forever? Will we spend eternity in a cloud-filled heaven or a fiery hell? Understanding what the Bible really teaches about our...
Which day do you set aside to worship your Savior? Has the Sabbath day been changed? If so, under whose authority was it changed—and what does this mean for true followers of Jesus Christ? Might you have...
Where do we get our concept of family? Where do we get our concept of God? The Bible reveals that these two concepts are inextricably linked, and that they teach us vital truths about God's love—and His...
Every year, billions rejoice at the resurrection of Jesus Christ. Yet most do not realize that the Bible tells a very different story than they usually hear from the pulpit. What is the truth about Jesus'...
Did Jesus Christ abolish the health laws given in the Old Testament, or are they still relevant today? Can biblical health laws, given thousands of years ago, be meaningful and practical in today's society...
Our world today is more materialistic than it has been for millennia—maybe more than it has ever been. Today's society is obsessed with greed and possessiveness. Mankind today worships material things and...
Bible prophecies about the end of the age employ sobering images of four horsemen to describe terrible events that will sweep over the earth just before the return of Jesus Christ.
Question: In Exodus 20:5, God states that He is a jealous God, but in Galatians 5:20 jealousies are mentioned among sinful fruits of the flesh. Is this a contradiction?
The United States is waning as a global power, and the world is looking for new leadership. Europe is moving closer to unification. The long papacy of John Paul II may be very near its end. What will come...
There are seemingly countless ideas about God. How can you know which is true? Is God a mysterious "trinity" or an unseen essence? Is God even knowable? Is He real to you? Your Bible says that you can know...
The year 2000 came and went with very little fanfare. Self-proclaimed prophets have watched their timelines fail again and again, but what does your Bible say about the real Millennium? What will it mean...
Millennia ago, God made promises to His "chosen people" which are affecting world events even today. Yet many do not know who His chosen people are—or the amazing future He has planned for all whom He will...
Although most modern churchgoers are sincere and well-meaning, they are absolutely deceived regarding the major issues of life, death and the hereafter. They are certainly deceived if they think for one minute that they are practicing true "biblical Christianity!"