| Tomorrow's World

2003 September-October Issue

The World After World War III

  • Richard F. Ames (1936-2024)

All around us, we see violence between nations and conflict between individuals. The Cold War is behind us, but fears of terrorism and global nuclear holocaust remain. Will mankind destroy itself? The Bible...


Which Christ Do YOU Worship?

  • Roderick C. Meredith (1930-2017)

The Bible warns that "false Christs" would come, denying Jesus' true message. Has this occurred? Will it occur in the future? Why are billions who call themselves "Christians" unaware of what Jesus Christ...


The Modern —Battle of Britain?

  • Douglas S. Winnail

Victorious over military enemies in war after war, Great Britain is now succumbing to attacks by cultural enemies within. As this once-proud nation abandons the values that supported its prosperity and...


How Do You Know You Are Right?

  • Gerald E. Weston

Have you ever proven for yourself the truth of your religious convictions, or do you just "go along" with everyone around you? Have you considered that some of your most basic beliefs may be wrong? The...


The "Road Map" to Real Peace

  • John H. Ogwyn (1949–2005)

The United States led a coalition to topple Iraqi ruler Saddam Hussein, and quickly set about the task of rebuilding Iraq and establishing peace in the Middle East. Will the U.S. bring stability to the...


Two Contradictory Views

  • Roderick C. Meredith (1930-2017)

It is vitally important to realize that, even among professing Christians, there are a number of absolutely contradictory views about God, about the teaching of Jesus Christ and about the entire purpose of...


Europe and the Vatican Agenda

  • Douglas S. Winnail

The Roman Catholic Church has a long history of intimate involvement in Europe's political and religious affairs.


Questions and Answers

  • Editorial Staff

Question: I have heard the Fourth Commandment (Exodus 20:8–11) described as the "test" commandment. What does this mean for Christians?

Answer: To succeed in...


2003 July-August Issue

The Economics of Greed

  • John H. Ogwyn (1949–2005)

The Western nations have enjoyed unparalleled prosperity in recent years. High finance has become the engine of economic growth for hundreds of millions who live with luxuries once unheard of. Yet the Bible...


Prophecy Is Speeding Forward

  • Roderick C. Meredith (1930-2017)

In the last century, some key prophetic milestones were passed. But in just the last few years, the pace of prophetic fulfillment has sped up beyond what many could have imagined just a few years ago. What...


Keys to Effective Prayer

  • Richard F. Ames (1936-2024)

Do you feel that your prayers are being heard? The Bible offers practical guidance to help Christians deepen their prayer lives, and avoid common obstacles to effective prayer. Apply these guidelines to...


The Impossible Dream

  • Jeffrey Fall

World peace has been an elusive goal for thousands of years. Many approaches have been tried, yet all have failed. Is world peace truly an "impossible dream," or will many of us experience it within our...


Europe: A Modern Tower of Babel

  • Douglas S. Winnail

Recent developments in Europe are vital pieces in the end-time prophetic puzzle. They can remind us of an ancient ruler whose attempt at empire-building was struck down by God Himself. Your Bible reveals...


God Is in Charge

  • Roderick C. Meredith (1930-2017)

Events are moving, more swiftly now than ever before, toward the Second Coming of Jesus Christ. He will soon be here on earth as King of kings. We can rejoice! Yet, as we should all know, it will definitely...


Betrayed—for a Reason!

  • Douglas S. Winnail

The invasion of Iraq produced shockwaves that both stunned and shattered the alliance of Western democracies. In a matter of weeks, allies of the United States and Britain became adversaries, as...


Questions and Answers

  • Editorial Staff

Question: The Apostle Paul states that "love is the fulfillment of the law" (Romans 13:10). Does his statement mean that we need not keep the Ten Commandments if we have "love"?



The True Gospel Restored!

Bible prophecies reveal the gospel of Jesus would be corrupted, the world would be deceived into believing a false gospel, but the true gospel would be restored and proclaimed just before the return of Jesus Christ. Those prophecies are coming alive today!

Where Is the Truth?

Modern society rejects the idea of absolute Truth. This God-rejecting approach is not new. For it was the standard approach to unbiased reasoning exemplified 2,000 years ago by Pontius Pilate.

Why Were You Born?

Why are you here? For thousands of years, philosophers and theologians have searched for an answer, yet the truth remains elusive to most. Your Bible reveals the encouraging truth—your presence on the earth today is preparation for an amazing future!
