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A thousand years ago, Islam was a powerful force in parts of Europe. Today, Islam is once again making itself felt, in ways that trouble many Europeans. Will we see an Islamic Europe—and what will it mean...
Are you living the way Jesus Christ and His apostles lived? Do you believe and practice what they taught? Many who call themselves Christians have departed from the faith of Jesus Christ—without even...
How far would you go to find buried treasure? Many have risked their lives searching for riches in unlikely places. But did you know that God has promised you the greatest treasure of all? You can find it...
For centuries, many Europeans have looked beyond their small nation-states and dreamed of a powerful, unified continent. As the European Union grows, matures and negotiates obstacles, Bible prophecy can...
If a fetus does not feel pain, should doctors consider it a person? Modern technology continues to give abortionists new tools—and new arguments—in their ongoing efforts to justify the taking of human life...
We have all seen cartoons of a funny-looking old man in a white robe carrying a sign that reads, "The end is near!" It makes us smile, and helps us realize how many misguided religious people have made...
In the last 20 years, dramatic changes have swept across Europe. The Berlin Wall, which had divided East and West Germany, came down.
Question: Jesus Christ described people going to a place called "hell" where "their worm does not die." What does this mean? Are there worms in hell, with eternal life, tormenting sinners...
Your magazine has been nothing less than inspiring to me. None of this backsliding and two-stepping anddodging the truth! You tell...