Long-held assumptions about marriage and family, and their value to society, are being challenged by modern social critics. What is a happy marriage, and a healthy family? Your Bible explains why these are...
Millions spend their days adrift, seeing no meaning or purpose in their lives. The Bible explains why you were created, what your future can be, and how you can live a meaningful, happy life today. It holds...
End-time prophecy is a mystery to many, but not to those who understand the book of Revelation. The Apostle John wrote of seven "seals" that will mark milestones in the prophetic "run-up" to Jesus Christ's...
Homosexual activists have won wide acceptance for practices considered deviant just decades ago. What does the Bible say will happen to a society that abandons God's standard of morality? Can homosexuals...
Today, "progressive" people are promoting the very lifestyles that brought divine destruction on the cities of Sodom and Gomorrah! The Bible predicted that this would occur—and explained where it will lead—...
Question: Many professing Christians claim to have been “born again.” Exactly what is this birth, and how can we know if we have already been born again?
“German Chancellor Angela Merkel has become the latest EU leader to raise the prospect of shifting powers from Brussels back to national governments” (EU Observer, August 15, 2013). The EU is currently governed by non-elected officials in Brussels; however, more voices are calling for restructuring to create a real federal Europe.
The Truth really is more remarkable than fiction— especially the powerful truth of Bible prophecy! In recent decades stunning events have appeared in the news that prove the Scriptures are not fables composed by men, but are inspired revelations of an Almighty God.
The powerful emotions generated by September 11, 2001, are still affecting millions of Americans. One common question still asked is: "Where was God on September 11?"
Astronomers and philosophers have long wondered about the origin of the universe. Yet Scripture has contained plain and simple answers for millennia. Amazingly, science is just now beginning to catch up with Scripture!