| Tomorrow's World

The Trap of Ecumenism

Surprising as it may seem, the modern ecumenical movement— and its outcome—were prophesied long ago in the pages of your Bible. Those prophecies are coming alive today!

The Church of Your Choice?

Perhaps we should pause to ask, "Which Jesus?" and also, "What about attending the church of God's choice—the church where the full Truth of the Bible is taught and practiced?"

Who Is Jesus?

Is Jesus Christ alive? If He is, where is He? What is He doing? What are His future plans? Many call themselves Christians, but surprisingly few know the true Jesus of the Bible, the importance of His life, death and resurrection, and His amazing plan for mankind's future.

Understanding The Resurrections

Most "religious" people believe in some form of heaven and hell as reward or punishment for human beings. Does this mean that everyone reared in the "wrong religion" will spend eternity in hell? The Bible gives a surprising—and reassuring—answer to this question.

Early Christianity in Europe's Western Isles

Few understand the amazing religious drama that has played out over centuries in Britain, Ireland, Scotland and Wales. Key parts of the story have been lost, forgotten or deliberately obscured. But the coming of true Christianity to Europe's western isles is a remarkable story.
