| Tomorrow's World

The Answer to Unanswered Prayer

Do you pray regularly? Does God always answer your prayers? When you feel that your prayers are not being answered, where do you turn? The Bible offers practical strategies that can help you recognize—and respond to—God's answers to your prayers.

Can America Police the World?

As the world's only remaining superpower, can—and should—the United States use its economic and military strength to enforce its values on other nations? Bible prophecy warns that U.S. entanglements overseas will play a vital role in end-time events soon to come!

The Future of Democracy

For more than 200 years, other nations have looked to the United States as a bastion of democracy. In recent years, however, former allies have distanced themselves, and the spread of Islam has challenged Western values. Does democracy have a future? Your Bible reveals the surprising answer!

Abortion: A Modern Holocaust?

Every year, millions of unborn babies are being murdered in their mothers' wombs. What does today's widespread acceptance of abortion tell us about ourselves, and about our modern society? What will be the future of a world where abortion becomes routine? You need to know!

Times of the Gentiles

Are we approaching the end of the age? Is the return of Jesus Christ just ahead? Are such notions merely the alarmist cries of religious fanatics? How can you know, and what does the Bible reveal about this vital subject?
