| Tomorrow's World

Is Sex Sin?

Sex pervades our modern culture. Some consider it a "forbidden fruit," while others seek to experience it in all its forms. But what does it mean to a Christian—and what part should it play in your life?

God's People Will Forget God!

The descendants of Ephraim in Britain offer a vivid example of how God's chosen people are turning away from their Creator. England and Scotland provided prominent religious leaders during the Reformation, and for centuries practiced Christianity to the best of their understanding. Yet in recent decades these nations (like their cousins across the English Channel) have done an amazing about-face! Surveys now indicate: "Britain is one of the world's least religious countries, with some of the lowest levels of belief and church-going" (Daily Mail, February 27, 2004).

WHY Human Suffering?

The very real God of the Bible is certainly hearing the literal "groans" of the suffering people of Southeast Asia. As they—and we—are deeply humbled by the awesome forces of creation that God has set in motion, we will begin to realize that human life apart from the true God is futile. This may seem "cruel" or "unfair" to those who lack understanding of the awesome power and glory that God has in mind for those who truly serve and obey Him. But it is often the only way human beings are willing and able to learn.

The Mythology of Divorce

What is the best way to cope with an unhappy marriage? Many unhappily married people assume that divorce will make them happier—but the evidence tells a far different story.

Seven Proofs of God's Existence

Is your faith based on evidence, or is it "blind faith"? God has given Christians vital and encouraging proofs that He exists and that He has a plan for mankind!
