| Tomorrow's World

How to KNOW God

Many people think they know of God, but do they really know Him? Jesus Christ came to reveal the Father to mankind. God is love, and you can know Him!

Droughts and Famines Increasing

Few understand, or make any connection between, widespread weather-related events and ancient Bible prophecies. Yet those sobering prophecies are coming alive today!

China on the Rise

Already the world's most populous nation, China also has foreign financial reserves that dwarf those of other nations. Chinese financial reserves now exceed $1.2 trillion! Most of these reserves are composed of United States government bonds and other U.S. securities.

The Deception of Abortion

Today's youth need to understand that a previous generation was manipulated and duped by dishonest people with an agenda, and even some of the perpetrators of this fraud were led astray by their own ignorance, greed or lack of moral character.

Did They Die In Vain?

When nations fight, soldiers die. Is any war worth the cost in human life? The Bible explains why we fight, and what the future will be for those who have given their lives in the service of their country.
