What people call "Christianity" today bears almost no resemblance to the faith and practice of Jesus Christ and His apostles. But you can live by what Christ taught, and receive the blessings He intends for...
From social hub to self-help center, churches are redefining their missions in the hope of gaining new members. But what does the Bible say the Church should be doing?
You probably own a Bible, but if it mostly sits on your coffee table or your shelf, it cannot help you. There are proven strategies you can learn to make the most of your Bible study!
Christianity came to Great Britain and Ireland centuries earlier than most people today realize. Why has the truth been ignored, forgotten or suppressed? The answer may surprise you!
Violence involving young people is nothing new. In fact, the Bible's first recorded murder occurred between Adam and Eve's sons, when Cain slew Abel (Genesis 4:8). That fatal blow began a legacy of...
Why do untold thousands of young people enroll in colleges as believing church members, yet emerge a few years later as secular unbelievers, unsure of God's existence or the Bible's authority? Understanding...
God inspired the prophet Zechariah to write, more than 2,500 years ago, that "it shall happen in that day that I will make Jerusalem a very heavy stone for all peoples; all who would heave it away will...
Question: I have come to realize that I have spent my whole life sinning against God. I am having trouble believing that He could ever forgive all the terrible things I have done. Is there...
What are the real causes of substance abuse? If you are trapped in an addiction, is there anything you can do to escape? Your Bible offers hope—and answers!
What are the real causes of substance abuse? If you are trapped in an addiction, is there anything you can do to escape? Your Bible offers hope—and answers!
Does God accept the "gay lifestyle"? Though the mass media are pushing to make homosexuality seem healthy and normal, your Bible reveals the whole truth of the matter.
What happens when you die? Countless millions hope to extend their physical lives— but for what purpose? Few truly understand the Bible's promise of eternal life—but you can!
Is every day a day of worship? Are all worship days the same? Or has God set aside one day as special? Which day should you be setting aside to worship your Creator?
Moses told the Israelites that they would be blessed if they obeyed God's instructions (Leviticus 26:1–13), and delivered God's warning: "If you do not obey Me… and if you despise My statutes… you shall be...
Question: What did Jesus mean when He said, "No one can come to Me unless the Father who sent Me draws him" (John 6:44)? Does this mean there are some whom God is not drawing to Him?
Many Bible prophecies indicate that before Jesus Christ returns, modern religious leaders will make the same mistakes—they will fail to understand Scripture, they will mislead sincere people about spiritual matters, and they will be blind to the real significance of important events that are shaping the world in which we live!
Now, as the crescendo of end-time prophecies grows ever louder, is it "decision time" for you and your family? Can you truly afford to sit on the sidelines and "let the world go by" as these events come to their grand smash climax?