| Tomorrow's World

Our Future Is Written in History

The world seems never to learn from history, but you can. God has not left us without a warning.

Smells Like Teen Marketing

Are young people just another demographic, waiting for advertisers to sell them on the latest consumer goods, lifestyles—or religions?

Should Christians Keep the Sabbath?

Is every day a day of worship? Are all worship days the same? Or has God set aside one day as special? Which day should you be setting aside to worship your Creator?

Why Live Forever?

What happens when you die? Countless millions hope to extend their physical lives— but for what purpose? Few truly understand the Bible's promise of eternal life—but you can!

The Plain Truth About Homosexuality!

Does God accept the "gay lifestyle"? Though the mass media are pushing to make homosexuality seem healthy and normal, your Bible reveals the whole truth of the matter.
