In a world filled with terrorism, chemical and biological weapons of mass destruction, "rogue" nuclear nations and social unrest, is "Armageddon" at our door? Will our political and military leaders destroy our planet, or is there hope? Your Bible has the answer!
In a world filled with terrorism, chemical and biological weapons of mass destruction, "rogue" nuclear nations and social unrest, is "Armageddon" at our door? Will our political and military leaders destroy...
Does God have a plan for the billions who have died without ever hearing His true Gospel? Many "mainstream" preachers teach that there is a burning Hell filled with those who have never even heard of Jesus...
The world economy is reeling from the effects of the "sub-prime mortgage crisis." Financial experts are worried that fragile global economic institutions may be in serious peril. Why has this happened, and...
As Australia copes with unprecedented drought, what lessons can we learn—nationally and individually? Is God the reason for drought and other severe weather calamities, or do human beings need to examine...
Scripture reveals that tough times are ahead for the United States and the British-descended nations, before Jesus Christ's prophesied return. Does this mean that we should want to see our nations suffer?...
A newer phenomenon is the glamorization of alcohol. In our modern media age, we are saturated by images and messages designed to influence our attitudes about alcohol. Today's advertisers not only want to...
On a recent trip to the United Kingdom, I was saddened to see how the British people are quietly submitting to the takeover of their once-great nation. Month by month, slowly but surely, it is happening...
Britain's leaders, in their attempts to pull their nation into the European Union, have traded away much of the British gold reserve to Europe, have given up sovereignty over British fishing waters, and...
Question: Matthew's gospel records that after Jesus' resurrection, "the graves were opened; and many bodies of the saints who had fallen asleep were raised" (Matthew 27:52). Did these...
Is our planet in peril? Is our universe doomed to a finite end? What is the point of our present physical existence, if it will all come to an end someday? You may be amazed to learn the truth of the matter!
Is our planet in peril? Is our universe doomed to a finite end? What is the point of our present physical existence, if it will all come to an end someday? You may be amazed to learn the truth of the matter...
Millions today call themselves Christians but doubt the literal reality of Jesus Christ's prophesied return. What can we learn from Scripture and world events that may change our view of Jesus' often-...
Do mothers still play an important role in the family—and in society? In an era of single parents and two-income households, what is the future of motherhood? What can a mother do to give her children the...
Have the Western nations prospered by chance? Has some aspect of their character or environment made the difference? Or is Almighty God working, behind the scenes, to accomplish His purpose?
Many end-time prophecies focus on events that will occur in the Middle East and involve the city of Jerusalem. Here is how Jesus described one crucial end-time event...
Question: I have always understood that when Christians die, their souls go to heaven right away to be with Jesus. How, then, should I understand scriptures like Ecclesiastes 9:5, which...
What people call "Christianity" today bears almost no resemblance to the faith and practice of Jesus Christ and His apostles. But you can live by what Christ taught, and receive the blessings He intends for you, if you know how!