| Tomorrow's World

Not As Many As There Used To Be

In recent years, Canadian women have on average given birth to just 1.48 children each, yet Canada's birth rate is among the highest in the Western world. Demographers tell us that the "replacement rate" is 2.1 babies per woman, and that of all the Western democracies, only the United States' women at 2.11 are keeping pace with death. Nineteen of the world's 20 lowest birth rates are found in Europe, where the overall rate stands at 1.32. Russia stands at an abysmal 1.14.

"It's the Economy, Stupid!"

Is there more to life than mere "prosperity"? What is true prosperity, anyway? Your Bible gives an answer that you can live by!

Understanding End-Time Prophecies

Is Bible prophecy something to be feared and avoided? Is it too complicated or too obscure to be meaningful in your life? Is it just myths and fables, or can it change your life today? You need to know!

Unlocking the Secrets of Revelation

For millennia, people have found its symbols and figures mysterious—and misunderstood. But the book of Revelation explains your future, and what you can do today to prepare for your part in eternity!

Will Jesus Christ Return Tonight?

Millions who call themselves "Christians" are waiting for their Savior's return. It will be the most momentous event since His resurrection. But can we know when and how that world-changing event will occur?
