The U.S. government is broke! It must borrow more than $2 billion per day to fund its programs at home and its military operations around the globe. America's trade imbalance is also a huge problem for its economy
Archaeologists recently announced an amazing discovery—a tomb which, they say, contained the bones of Jesus and several members of His family. What does this "discovery" actually reveal?
Many children today grow up without a father in the home. What does it mean to have a father? What does it mean to be a father? The Bible shows how God the Father is the author and example of successful fatherhood.
Is belief in God "delusional"? A vocal number of militant atheists say so. Yet around the world, religion continues to grow in popularity. Why is this happening—and what does it mean for Bible prophecy?
Millions do not understand their need for salvation. Sadly, many who believe they are "saved" are not even Christian! Are you learning the truth about salvation—and acting on it? You need to be sure!