| Tomorrow's World

Old Europe blames Britain for EU summit failure

Britain is getting bashed again by France and Germany - Old Europe - for refusing to follow their lead on European matters. The European Union summit, marking the end of the six month presidency of Luxembourg, ended in failure to agree on a 870 billion euro budget for the period of 2007-2013.

EU in Crisis?

What important prophetic events are happening right now? Where will they lead? One "key" event occurred over this past weekend! The French people voted "no" on the proposed EU Constitution! And the Dutch are probably going to do the same thing this Wednesday. This has already caused "shock waves" to reverberate across Europe. What next?

Thoughts while in a gas station line

Sitting in a long line waiting for a gas pump to be vacated can increase one's awareness of social breakdown becoming a real possibility. The intricacies of our modern world and how closely dependant we are on others who live far away become glaringly apparent. One questions how a catastrophic storm—with such a beautiful name, Katrina, meaning "pure"— a thousand miles away can so completely affect our every-day routines to the point of a growing desperation, frustration and, even, fear.

The Stealing of America

"Governors claim oil companies guilty of gouging in Katrina aftermath" "Man charged with scamming in attempts to collect disaster relief" "Retailers accused of inflating clean-up materials costs" These headlines, and many others like them, scream out from newspapers, TV news screens and Internet Blog pages.

Spirituality and Longevity - Is There a Connection?

A recent Mayo Clinic health letter suggested that one of the best ways to improve your chances to live longer is to recognize the value of spirituality in your life. The Mayo Clinic health center advised that you should nurture your spirit, no matter what you call your source of inspiration.
