| Tomorrow's World

The long haul

As I looked around the lovely setting that was the new Senior Citizen's Center, I saw a lot of folks enjoying themselves. Some of them were playing cards; others were playing chess or board games.

In the dance studio, some brightly dressed ladies were practicing a dance routine. People were coming and going, in good spirits, enjoying fun and fellowship. These people have finished their working years and are enjoying a leisurely retirement. There is certainly nothing wrong with that. It is the goal of most working people.

Empathy for a friend

I have a friend who suffers a lot. He is not an old guy, but it seems like his body is old before its time. He has the kind of dogged health problems that when one symptom gets better, another infirmity breaks out.

When one procedure is complete, something else needs to be done just to keep him going. And through it all, he maintains a good attitude, though it must wear thin at times. Not being able to do the things he wants to do and needs to do grates on his nerves, as he battles pain and tries to cope with daily activities that most of us take for granted.

What is truth?

Two thousand years ago, a minor Roman bureaucrat by the name of Pontius Pilate asked a question that many in our modern, 21st century society would find very relevant: "What is truth?"

Where's the love?

Some time ago, I was checking out at my local market during the winter holiday season. Making the usual conversation with the young man who was ringing up my purchases, I commented on how the weather had cleared up, to which he responded, "I was hoping for more rain."

The windows of Heaven

The hectic Christmas shopping rush that began before Thanksgiving is over. It came and went with the usual hype about its importance for the economy, with gloomy predictions about how "the sky is falling" and the looming economic collapse of the good ol' USA.
