| Tomorrow's World

How to Change Your Life

Many people want to change their lives, but they simply don't know how to do it. Change is frightening, and there is a fear of the unknown that often makes people cling to old behaviors, no matter how bad those behaviors are. People don't know how to go about changing their lives, even though there are many changes that people often want to make.

The Sum of All Fears

How difficult would it be, currently, for terrorists to get their hands on enough radioactive material for a dirty bomb? According to a recent article by Carrie Dahlberg in the Sacramento Bee: "Despite fears that radioactive material could be shaped into a dirty bomb, hundreds of radioactive products are for sale through catalogs, Web sites and suppliers to anyone with a license to own them."

The Impossible Dream

Years ago, the "Beatles' guru"—Maharishi Mahesh Yogi—declared that he had a plan to destroy world terrorism. Maharishi was known to have made the appeal that "with $1 billion he could train 40,000 expert meditators"—who would generate enough "good vibes" to save the world.

The Winds of Change

It seems that the Enron scandal, the Andersen consulting blunder, and the bankruptcy of Worldcom have further lessened world confidence in the U.S. The stock market slide over 28 months had, by July of this year, wiped out half of the entire market gain that occurred in the 18-year bull market run from 1982 to 2000.

Ominous Weather Ahead

Scientists have been debating for some time about the potential impact of our global environment heating up. The vast majority of scientists believe that the warming trend will have serious consequences for humanity. But until recently, politicians were pretty much divided on this subject.
