| Tomorrow's World

A Cup of Trembling

Day after day we hear of more bloodshed in the Middle East. Palestinian suicide bombers and Israeli military actions are a part of life and death in Israel. Violence begets violence! Is there any possible end in sight?

To Clone or Not to Clone?

We hear a lot about cloning today, but it's an idea that has been around for over 30 years. Back in the 60s, embryologists were first able to clone frogs in the laboratory. This was exciting and seemed rather harmless at the time. The process was rather simple since frogs, which are amphibians, readily develop outside of the mother's body. No attachment to the mother through a placenta is needed.

Why Do You Go to Church?

In the last few weeks and months, more people have attended church than for most of recent memory. But is this just a passing fad? What's the big deal about church, anyway? Besides, is it really necessary to go to church? Why should you go to church?

Honor your Father And your Mother

Many people are important in making us who and what we are. None are so important, however, as father and mother.

In infancy Mother fed me, changed me and bathed me so that I was comfortable. Mother set protective barriers around me to keep me from harm. She taught me to avoid the hot stove, to fear harmful things, and she bundled me up against the winter's cold. Mother taught me many things while I was a tiny infant and toddler. Mother created a strong bond which endured between us until the day of her death.


What is the greatest catastrophe that can befall mankind? Volcanic eruptions, earthquakes, tornadoes, hurricanes, droughts and floods are common in today's news, and all of these events cause destruction bringing injury, suffering and death where they occur in populated areas. In the aftermath of these disasters, journalists commonly state as they describe the devastation: "The area looks like a war zone!"
