| Tomorrow's World

God and the foundation of science

Science has discovered so many amazing things about our universe! A National Geographic article (March 2007), for instance, discussed the work of astrophysicist Adam Burrows which suggests that intense sound waves are the key ingredient behind supernovas, the massive explosions that destroy dying stars.

In fact, the computer models indicate that an exploding star would generate an audible tone to anyone foolishly close enough to hear it. According to the magazine it would be "roughly the F note above middle C."

Hard Questions for Easter

It's the Easter season, and the pastel colors are coming out! Beautiful dresses for little girls hang in the department stores, kits for coloring eggs appear on the shelves, and that elusive species of hare—the chocolate bunny—comes once again into season.

Many churches will put on shows and pageantry, attempting to depict their understanding of the final week of Jesus Christ's life here on earth, leading to His triumphant resurrection. But some will ask themselves an important question this week: Does Jesus Christ really want everyone doing all of this?

Who will feed us?

The pitiful image of a character with a long beard and dusty monk's robe, pacing the streets with a sign that reads, "Repent, the end is near! Flee from the wrath to come!" is not as laughable as it used to be.

It's tax time again!

The dreaded deadline for paying taxes – April 15th – comes around all too often for many in the United States. A great number of citizens hate to pay their share so badly that they often fudge on their tax returns, misrepresenting their true tax bill to Uncle Sam.

Is There Any Hope?

The world seems to be divided between optimists and pessimists. But as we grieve over the mass killings in Kosovo and in Africa—as we are shocked by the murders in Columbine High School in Colorado and Heritage High School in Georgia, we all may rightly ask, "Is there any hope for the future? Is there any hope for my children and family?" Yes, there is—as we'll see.
