| Tomorrow's World

Should Christians Observe the Day of Atonement?

Many of you are aware that Jews around the world are about to observe the Day of Atonement, or Yom Kippur in the Hebrew language. It is a day of fasting during which Jews all around the world abstain totally from food and water for a full 24 hours, humbling themselves before God. But did you know that many thousands of true Christians all over the world are also observing the Day of Atonement? Why would they do that?

Is There Any Hope?

In cities around the globe, and across every populated continent, our world is mired in violence, pain, and suffering. It seems more than ever that crime, disease, and human travail are with us everywhere you look. Have you ever asked yourself, “Is there any hope?” God’s word gives the answer!

Religious 'Unity' - Will it be Achieved?

Anyone following news of the world's religions will notice two contradictory trends developing side-by-side. On the one hand, religious differences are causing tensions to escalate, often into full-fledged combat. Yet on the other hand, religious leaders are making overtures toward "unity"—resolving or minimizing centuries-old differences between communities of faith.

Father's Day

As a father, I appreciate the honor given to me by my children. Each year, it is the custom across the length and breadth of our land to honor mothers and fathers on “their day.” Mothers are honored on “Mother’s Day,” and fathers are honored on “Father’s Day.” Do we appreciate that the basis for honoring our fathers and mothers stems from an ancient teaching that was given to our forefathers almost 3,500 years ago?

New SuperPower on the Rise

Are we nearing the end of the age? After NATO began its intense airstrikes against Yugoslavia, Russia quit its membership in NATO - and President Boris Yeltsin gave this warning: "I told NATO, the Americans, the Germans, don't push us toward military action. Otherwise there will be European war for sure and possibly world war."
