| Tomorrow's World

Pray for the honeybees

The bees came uninvited and built their nest inside the wall behind the chimney, a few feet from the kitchen door. It wasn't the first swarm to take up residence in the walls of the old house during its hundred and twenty year's life time. What was significant was to see wild bees at all!

How to Prevent a Lot of Sickness and Death

Each year millions of people, especially during the winter months, become infected with easily preventable intestinal viruses, colds, flu, bronchitis and many other disorders.

A subtle upgrade for "human embryos"

The English language is a marvelous instrument in the hands of an expert wordsmith. It is capable of tremendous subtlety, and over the centuries the lives of countless men and women have been affected in numerous ways by the manner in which its vast collection of words have been manipulated and shaped – whether to rally the faithful to the arms of war or to sooth the troubled and hostile crowd.

What do you fear?

We are living in frightening times. Events taking place in our world today give people many reasons to be fearful.

Our end-time generation faces the prospect of imminent calamities, on a global scale, unlike anything mankind has seen before in all of history. "For then there will be great tribulation, such as has not been since the beginning of the world until this time, no, nor ever shall be. And unless those days were shortened, no flesh would be saved; but for the elect's sake those days will be shortened" (Matthew 24:21-22).

So Many Churches! How to choose?

A recent headline in the "Faith and Values" section of a major newspaper asked this question, and it is a very good one. How do you decide which church is teaching and practicing the truth?

As Pontius Pilate asked long ago, "What is truth?"

Sadly the article, though well written, came to a wrong conclusion and may serve to mislead the readers.
