| Tomorrow's World

Sin is a Reproach to Any People

Just as there are physical effects for physical causes, there are spiritual effects for spiritual causes. There are unseen spiritual laws just as there are unseen natural laws. They affect human beings just as predictably. The degree to which we have internalized those spiritual laws determines the quality of our character, whether we reflect righteousness or sin in our attitude and behavior. Humans must be in harmony with the spiritual realm, and the spiritual laws of God. There is a cause for every effect.

Saint Valentine's Day

"What the world needs now, is love, sweet love"—so go the lyrics to a popular song some decades ago. Truly, what the world needs now is LOVE—TRUE LOVE! So, why not use the ancient pagan holiday of Lupercus—renamed "St. Valentine's" day in early "Christian Rome"—to evoke "love" in our modern love-starved world?

Honor the King - Pray for Jordan's New Leader

The Living Church of God extends its sympathy and condolences to the royal family and to the people of Jordan. We also wish Jordan's new leader, King Abdullah, God's blessings and wisdom and love in his new and challenging duties. We also urge Christians all over the world to pray for the new monarch in fulfilling his responsibilities.

Britain and the Euro

The new European currency, the Euro, has now arrived! In years to come, it may well challenge the dollar as the world reserve currency. It is certainly going to speed up the process toward a United States of Europe! But what is the real PURPOSE of the Euro?

State of the Union - Overlooking the Obvious

On January 19, the President of the United States gave his annual State of the Union Address. He proclaimed that the nation is strong and prosperous. Indeed, some in the religious community expressed strong enthusiasm for the speech!

Yet, in all the rhetoric celebrating economic expansion and optimism for the future, there were two glaring omissions in the Address: First, the state of morality in our society; and Second, any major acknowledgment of the Source of our blessings along with our concomitant responsibilities to that Source!
