| Tomorrow's World

What are we doing to our children?

The absence of a stable family, including both father and mother, in all too many cases can produce maladjusted offspring. Cruelty and meanness have many times been associated with children raised without the constant influence of both loving parents.

Bible codes: fact or fiction?

There is tremendous interest in biblical matters today. The Dead Sea Scrolls exhibit here in Charlotte, North Carolina is drawing large crowds of people from all faiths. These ancient relics appear to confirm that the Bible we have today is remarkably intact.

Oil war!

The world is at war over oil! It has been going on since World War I. It used to be said that armies marched on their stomachs – and this is still true – but the food, supplies and munitions that armies have used since 1914 have mostly been delivered via oil-burning ships, aviation-fueled aircraft and trucks thirsty for gasoline.

The Curse of Tobacco

It was just after my ordination into the ministry that it came to my attention that George (not his real name) was secretly smoking.

A church member for several years, George knew that Christians should not do anything which will ultimately cripple or kill us, since we—our bodies—are the temple of God's Holy Spirit (1 Corinthians 6:19). He had already lost a lung to cancer many years before, and of all people he should have known better than to continue smoking.

The teen massacre madness continues

Two more chilling stories of thwarted teenage school massacre plots have stunned Americans once again. Police, in April, uncovered a plan by five Riverton, Kansas teenage boys just hours before the attack. Several days later, police arrested six North Pole, Alaska seventh-graders planning to kill students and teachers.
