| Tomorrow's World

Russia and China growing closer.

Late last month, China and Russia signed a new deal to cease trading with each other in U.S. dollars, and instead use their own currencies. The yuan has now begun trading against the ruble—a very important step.

What’s ahead for Europe and the euro?

The massive debt crisis in Europe has put tremendous strain on the common currency—the euro.  The spreading debt crisis is also putting increasing pressure on lending nations, namely Germany, and many are asking, “Will the euro survive?” The euro is viewed as the symbol of European integration and unity, but if it falters, the cohesion of the continent is in question.

Forgotten heroes

"Representative Rangel Censured by the Ethics Committee of the House of Representatives" was the headline in the news of recent days.  It was just more of the same kind of disappointing reports of various public figures – from federal judges, state legislators, governors, senators and congressmen – being caught with their "hand in the cookie jar" taking bribes, selling influence, evading taxes, often involving sexual misconduct and infidelity.

A future Nordic alliance?

The Nordic nations are discussing a possible alliance—between Iceland, Norway, Sweden, Finland and Denmark—within the EU. These five nations share similarities in language, culture and geography. A major goal of Nordic leaders is to band together to access the untapped resources of the melting polar ice caps and challenge Russia’s claims to the region.

Always do what is right

In June of 2009, Aplington-Parkersburg, Iowa head football coach and teacher Ed Thomas was shot and killed in the weight room of the school he coached at for 35 years by a former student/player. He had been trying to help the student overcome mental illness and drug usage.  It became a national story that touched the hearts of many people all over this country and the world.
