| Tomorrow's World

China’s artificial intelligence ambitions.

China is employing eminent scientists from around the globe to help it advance on many fronts. One area that China seeks to make progress in is the realm of artificial intelligence—creating thinking computer-operated machines. One scientist, Dr. Hugo de Garis, will be advising the Chinese government to establish a national artificial intelligence agency in order to regulate and promote the development of intelligent computers. He notes that these “thinking computers” could be used not only in the homes of regular families, but also in military service.

A little bird told me

Every news source has been covering the hot topic of the WikiLeaks exposure of government secrets. The leaks of diplomatic cables are of unflattering and insulting statements about leaders and politicians of other nations. The diplomatic face of the United States government is now blushing in embarrassment and fumbling for words to try to control the damage.

Why does our nation continue to trip and fall in front of the other nations of the world? Why did this happen?

India, China and Russia increase cooperation.

Last month, Indian, Russian and Chinese officials met in central China to conduct talks aimed at increasing the cooperation between the three nations–two of which are the world’s most populous nations (India and China encompass more than 2 billion people).

A fool's hire

Each day, our news sources bring us more sobering reports about the crushing level of unemployment in the United States of America.  It is much the same in the United Kingdom and in much of the European Union.  With each report, the stock markets in the various countries react negatively, as the confidence of investors is shaken once again.

German support of Israel.

President Wulff of Germany recently became the fifth German leader to visit the state of Israel. During his visit, he voiced Germany’s support for Israel and also spoke out in support of the two-state solution to the Israeli-Palestinian conflict. He stated, “Germany considers that it has a responsibility concerning Israel’s right to exist and to security.”
