| Tomorrow's World

Breaking the pride of U.S. power.

The surprise publication by the website WikiLeaks of more than 250,000 confidential U.S. State Department documents revealing U.S. intentions and perspectives has shaken global diplomatic relations and could endanger the lives of U.S. diplomats around the world.  A major German news magazine reported, “Never before in history has a superpower lost control of such vast amounts of such sensitive information—data that can help paint a picture of the foundation upon which US foreign policy is built.

Is the EU at risk of collapse?

EU Council President Herman Van Rompuy recently warned that the “EU is in a survival crisis… the eurozone and the European Union itself are fighting for their life as a result of the ongoing sovereign debt shocks, most recently in Ireland and Portugal… if the eurozone does not survive, neither will the EU.”

The "sin" of ingratitude

We've all had the unfortunate experience of doing something for someone and never hearing a simple "thank you" in return. It makes us feel sad, perhaps a little hurt or even a little angry, when we have really gone out of our way to help someone. We may think, "How dare they not appreciate what I did for them!" Google the words "un-thankfulness" or "ungrateful people" or "ingratitude" and you'll get hundreds of thousands to millions of results.

Apparently, it's all too common.

Germany should “use” military force.

Speaking at a recent security conference in Berlin, German Defense Minister Karl-Theodor zu Guttenberg urged Germany to “be prepared to use its military to defend the country’s economic interests.” Baron Guttenberg noted that the competing demands of nations today for raw materials made it imperative that Germany—a nation whose export-driven economy is heavily dependent upon imported raw materials—should be prepared to use its military forces to secure trade routes for raw materials and exported goods.

The “luck” of the Irish is running out.

Ireland is among the top third of European nations in per capita income. They have a debt ratio lower than that of France, Germany and the UK, but the Celtic Tiger sees major financial issues ahead. Ireland’s banking sector is now at a point where the government cannot bail it out.
