| Tomorrow's World

The Bible - Foundation of Knowledge or Ignorance

An NBC news Wall Street Journal poll asked the question, "Thinking back to when you were growing up, would you say that the social and moral values of the United States were the same as today, higher than today or lower than today" The vast majority felt that today's standards were lower and that standards of unacceptable behavior have dropped. More specifically, in the past ten years, society has gotten much weaker in respect to authority, commitment to marriage, respect for the law, respect for other people, personal responsibility, good citizenship and the work ethic.

The Big Balancing Act

The Financial Times of London, in an article datelined October 1, 2004, ran a special report on the world economy, focusing on threats to global economic growth. One of the main portions of this article was something that focused on the U.S. trade deficit—"the big balancing act" as it was called. It was pointed out that a record $55.8 billion U.S. trade deficit in June was a reminder that one of the world's great economic imbalances has yet to be rectified.

Spirituality and Longevity - Is There a Connection?

A recent Mayo Clinic health letter suggested that one of the best ways to improve your chances to live longer is to recognize the value of spirituality in your life. The Mayo Clinic health center advised that you should nurture your spirit, no matter what you call your source of inspiration.

Opium of the People

Today, in the 21st century, it has become increasingly clear to many who study the natural world of science that indeed it is the religion of evolution that is the "opium of the people." The theory of evolution permeates the mindset of the educated and the uneducated alike, to the extent that it is readily assumed to be fact, without any semblance of truth.

Evolution: A Religion

Today, with up-to date-science, it becomes increasingly clear that the theory of evolution has become the modern-day religion of the educated—and, quite commonly, the religion of the uneducated.

Listen to the amazing words of Charles Darwin, whom many consider the "father" of evolution: "I was a young man with unformed ideas. I threw out queries, suggestions wondering over all the time over everything and to my astonishment the ideas took like wildfire. People made a religion out of them." Charles Darwin admitted that his wonderings and suggestions became a religion.
