| Tomorrow's World

The Advancing Homosexual Agenda

A remarkable change has taken place in western culture, right here in the United States, Britain, Canada and other nations of the western world. That remarkable change has concerned the way that a behavior once viewed universally as a perversion—as an aberration from what is proper and normal—is now taken for granted. In fact, one speaking against homosexuality will often be labeled as some sort of "homophobe" or one who is very intolerant.

Europe's Ticking Time Bomb

Did you realize that there is a "ticking time bomb" in Europe and much of the Western world? That "ticking time bomb"—as it has been called by one prominent German politician—is an incredibly declining Western birth-rate. Replacement level for a population, in terms of demographics, is generally considered about 2.1 children per couple, because not every child that is born lives to adulthood. In Western Europe today, the demographics of reproduction are at about 1.5 or 1.6 children per couple—well below replacement level! In fact, in Germany the rate is just 1.3—as it has been for the last ten years!

Whatever Happened to Shame?

Whatever happened to shame? There was a time when immoral conduct brought shame. It brought shame on the family and on the individual. People were ashamed for certain things to be reported, or be known, because of the harm that it did to their reputation. There was a time when public officials caught in scandal would resign and just disappear from public life, because they were so ashamed of what had come out.

Prophecy VERSUS the Gospel?

In some religious circles, professing Christians argue that preaching Bible prophecy is irrelevant, or even contrary, to preaching the Gospel message! Bible prophecy may be an interesting topic, they say, but prophecy is not significant to our salvation. Is that true? Many professing Christians believe that the gospel is only about the person of Christ, and they ignore what He preached. So, let’s first of all examine what the author of true Christianity preached. What gospel did Jesus the Messiah preach? Did His message oppose Bible prophecy?

A Homosexual Bishop? Are We Overlooking the Obvious?

How many of us sometimes "overlook the obvious"? A case in point is the unbiblical reasoning that led the Episcopal Church in the USA to elect an openly homosexual priest as a bishop. The Episcopal General Convention recently voted by a two-thirds majority to approve this appointment. Many convention delegates were saddened and shocked by the decision.
