| Tomorrow's World

Plunging male circumcision rates.

According to at least one researcher, male circumcision rates in the U.S. dropped from 56% in 2006 to less than 33% at the end of 2009—that is almost a 50% drop in just three years. In a recent interview, pediatric bioethicist Dr.

American Bar Association to urge legalization of same-sex marriage.

Two weeks ago the American Bar Association (ABA) passed a resolution to urge state, territorial and tribal governments to eliminate barriers to same-sex marriage. According to Douglas Napier, senior legal counsel at the Alliance Defense Fund, “This [resolution] is so far afield from their primary purpose that this is nothing more than using the ABA to advance a political agenda—a social political agenda.” “They did it with the abortion issue in the 90’s, and now they’re doing it with marriage.”

Broken cisterns

“Going green” is all in vogue, as the need to conserve—and the practicality of recycling—becomes even more compelling in crippled economies around the world. Things that were once thoughtlessly discarded are now often repurposed or recycled. More energy-efficient methods of doing daily chores and routine tasks are being sought at every level. It just makes good sense to do some of these things.

Winning by the Rules

During the 2010 Winter Olympics, Dutch speed skater Sven Kramer was heavily favored in the long-distance track, already being a world champion in all the events in which he would compete.  He raced to a world record time in the 10,000 meter event.  Unfortunately, his coach accidentally told him to change lanes at the wrong time during the course of the race, which got Kramer disqualified.

Familiar Terms

Words can be powerful things. With so many similar words to choose from—especially in the English language—I am often amazed at how the use of a particular word or phrase in just the right situation can stop a reader right in his or her tracks. Perhaps this has happened to you. You read a certain line and are so struck by it that you have to pause and consider what it means for you.
