| Tomorrow's World

Love and Marriage

A recent Reuters news item sounds at first like a heartwarming story of romance and persistence. "Woman Weds Partner After 24 Years of Proposals." But examined more closely, it reminds us that marriage has been cheapened in today's society.

Declaring Our Dependence on God

Independence Day is a time to celebrate freedom. But many Americans—even many who call themselves Christians—fail to realize that they are not free. Many are slaves to sin. Some even twist Christ’s words and preach that God’s law has been done away with. From the very beginning, some have tried to pervert God’s grace into license. We read in Romans 6:14–16: “For sin shall not have dominion over you, for you are not under law but under grace. What then? Shall we sin because we are not under law but under grace?

Smart Teens and Sex

Smart teenagers don't have sex. A recent study at the University of North Carolina has discovered that bright teenagers delay their first kiss and become sexually active later than adolescents of average intelligence. Teenagers of average intelligence are up to five times more likely to have had sex than are teenagers with higher IQs, according to Dr. Carolyn Halpern, assistant professor of maternal and child health at UNC. Her team analyzed data on approximately 12,000 teenagers, and detailed information on the levels of sexual contact among 100 boys and 200 girls.

What is Servant Leadership?

Servant leadership is a concept and a practice that all Christians should implement. But what is servant leadership? And how can we practice it?

Life's Real Goal

Ambitious businesspeople, athletes, politicians and zealots commit their full energies to advancing their personal agendas. They will lose sleep, drive themselves and stop at almost nothing to achieve their goals. Some of these may strive for integrity and honesty, but many will use any deceitful tactic, lie or evil to get their way. And for what? Is their all-consuming purpose worthwhile? Will it benefit the character and quality of life of others? What is the REAL goal for which all of us should be striving?
