| Tomorrow's World

A World of Refugees

Numerous individuals in the news media seemed appalled by what has turned out to be a refugee-like situation in the Gulf States because of hurricane Katrina. A large portion of the population of the city of New Orleans and other gulf coast cities that have fled the area will be displaced for some time, and some even permanently.

One cable news anchor, standing amid the devastation of New Orleans, outside the Superdome, repeated over and over his disbelief that a refugee situation was taking place right before his eyes, "right here" in the United States.

Mythology of Divorce

The average American would love to have a happy marriage to the right individual. Most people who divorce come to the conclusion that they were simply terribly unlucky in getting stuck with the wrong person. There is much to be said about being wise and choosing the right person to commit one's life to.

Europe and Muslims

Do you realize that there is a growing tension in Europe regarding the Muslim population that exists there? Earlier this year the nation of France has expelled eight different men—Muslim men—on the grounds that they're preachers who foment anti-western sentiment and violence in their sermons. Earlier this year, France also passed a law that bars Muslim girls from wearing headscarves at public schools. This sort of thing has stirred up quite a bit of controversy among what is really a growing Muslim population in France and other European nations.

Why Natural Disasters?

Hurricane Katrina has just struck the Gulf Coast with fury! News reports already are telling us that at least 1,000 people are dead. And the death toll may greatly increase when all the bodies are counted! The authorities have also stated that Katrina will definitely become one of the worst natural disasters in American history in financial terms. The damages will mount up into the tens of billions. .

Hurricane Katrina: Why?

Tens of billions of dollars worth of damage has already occurred with billions more projected. Oil prices continue to rise in the wake of potentially the most devastating storm in United States history. One of the world's most important shipping ports is currently closed. And ultimately the closure of this shipping port is projected to affect nations around the world that depend on United States grain.
