| Tomorrow's World

Jolly Old St. Nick, indeed

Contrary to what most people think, the trappings of Christmas are not based on Jesus Christ of the Bible, but are deeply rooted in pre-Christian oral legends, sanitized by theologians, historians and, in some instances, the editorial rooms of more modern times. Of all these legends, none has grown to the stature and popularity of that of Santa Claus.

Green Trees and Jesus

Looking back over the years, it has become evident to me that the gap between what the Bible says to do, and what its alleged followers actually do, has reached near absurd proportions.

In vain they worship Me

Political correctness is again turning the United States' Christmas scene on its ear this year. Arguments continue to rage over what to call the "real live" national evergreen tree, now firmly planted in the nation's Capitol on the Ellipse.

What is it: a holiday tree or a Christmas tree?

Those who say "holiday tree" point out that it offends Jews, Muslims, Buddhists, atheists and the American Civil Liberties Union if we use "Christmas," claiming Christ must be taken out of the national "holiday" celebration.

The Holiday Craze

It's that time of the year when those repeated seasonal refrains about reindeer, mistletoe, holly and little drummer boys bombard us in stores, mall-ways, on radio and TV—along with being hummed, whistled or sung in our ears by just about everyone around us.

One of the favorites, left over from my past life in the frozen wilds of northern Wisconsin goes like this:

Oh, I yust go nuts at Christmas
On that yolly holiday
I'll go in the red like a knucklehead
Cuz I'll squander all my pay.

Thanksgiving and Our National Mission

Thanksgiving is a good time to reflect on our blessings, our purpose and our future. How thankful are we? Have we used the blessings God has given us to fulfill our national purpose and mission? Or do we even know our mission?
