| Tomorrow's World

Western Civilization in "moral decay"?

Recent news articles have speculated about the "end of Western civilization." Interestingly enough, as you read through those articles, the reasons put forth for the end of our way of life have stemmed from our lack of energy conservation awareness to our addiction to oil for our energy needs. Political issues, environmental issues, educational issues are all put forth as arenas for the salvation of mankind.

Are you ready for real poverty?

How many of us, bombarded by advertisements for the latest luxury goods and services we cannot afford, have a tendency to think of ourselves as poor?

Did Christians "borrow" the resurrection?

Some of you may have read the July 6, 2008 article in the New York Times "Ancient Tablet Ignites Debate On Messiah and Resurrection."

Receiving help

Very few men and women are "self-made" individuals. We all have had the help of many people as we have traveled along life's road. Perhaps it was our parents, a friend or a teacher, who gave us the love, help and guidance we needed to become who we are today. Without these caring individuals, our lives would be markedly different. Many people may offer us their help. But how we react to their offers of aid can make all the difference between success and failure in our lives.

On the edge?

Have you ever been at the edge of a deep canyon, or the observation deck atop a tall skyscraper? Do you recall the sense of uneasiness you felt when you peered down into the abyss below?
