| Tomorrow's World

A Society That Has Rejected God

Have we as a society rejected God? Do we really worship and obey Him?

Weather disasters around the world

The death toll in China caused by Typhoon Saomai has reached over three hundred, and dozens of people are still missing according to officials. That number could still rise dramatically.

The war we don't want to win (or so it seems)

The United States of America is at war on several fronts. However, hardly anybody seems to notice or to care.

Disaster in the Great Smoky Mountains: what it can tell us

My wife and I recently returned from camping in the Great Smoky Mountains of North Carolina. We will never forget our first visit to the Smokies over 35 years ago. What a sight!

Defying the odds

Are you a gambler? "No!" most people would say: "I don't go to casinos or play the lottery, or bet the horses." This is a good thing, since common sense tells you that the house always wins.

But, do you play the odds in other ways? This thought came to mind as I observed three young adults smoking cigarettes as they enjoyed an animated conversation outside a convenience store. They were young, apparently healthy people, not concerned about the consequences of their actions.
