| Tomorrow's World

A gentle bull?

Buried in the British press this week, amongst the stories of the global financial tsunami, comes one of a new ID card that is being stealthily introduced.  It has all the makings of yet one more directive from Brussels to the British government.  What does it portend for an uninformed British public?  Will it be another step toward a totalitarian European federal super-state?

Economic crisis, leadership, and prophecy

The ongoing economic drama playing out in America is fascinating, but only in the way that one might find a train wreck fascinating.

The Large Hadron Collider will not destroy the earth

Buried more than 150 feet below the Swiss and French countryside, on September 10 a monstrous machine rumbled to life.  This is the world's biggest and most advanced scientific instrument, supported by more than eight thousand physicists from over eighty-five countries.  It is also a machine that some scientists fear may destroy the world.

Religious "behavior" modification

A short news story out of Cincinnati, Ohio is a grim reminder of the child-abuse sex scandals that rocked the religious world over the past several years. The Archdiocese of Cincinnati has provided its priests with the latest list of "inappropriate" behavior regarding children.

Russia, Georgia and the near-impotent west

The news today generally fails to communicate the complexities of the current Georgia/Russia conflict. The U.S. has long supported Georgia's bid to hold on to South Ossetia and Abkhazia, when the people of those provinces consider themselves Russian.
