| Tomorrow's World

A Handful With Quietness

Tired of politics? Sick of the political commercials attacking the other candidate or party? Had enough of the sarcasm, innuendo, half truths and spin?  Fed up with the endless analysis by the talking heads on the networks and cable channels?  You are not alone!  Most Americans have endured enough of this seemingly endless campaign for the nation's highest office and the myriad of other national, state and local races.

The View at 30,000 Feet

The business of living life is full of many, many details. There are project reports to write, looming deadlines to meet, and a coffee spill on your desk that demands your attention. There are school forms to fill out and permission slips to sign while finishing your children's lunches as you see their school bus pull around the corner. Our eyeglass prescriptions need to be updated, our garbage needs to be taken out, and our dog needs to be taken to the vet. Details, details, details.

An expanded job description

I am about to proceed into a new phase of life that most of us inevitably reach – that of becoming a grandparent!   In approximately three months a beautiful baby girl will possess the same last name as this author and begin her journey through the many phases that we call life.

Napoleon's coronation and its prophetic significance

December 2 is the anniversary of Napoleon Bonaparte's coronation as "Holy Roman Emperor."  Was Napoleon just a great conqueror?  Or, was he part of a 2,500-year-old story that weaves its way through Bible history and Bible prophecy and has yet to reach its climactic end? 

Napoleon was crowned at Notre Dame Cathedral on December 2, 1804. His coronation was blessed by Pope Pius VII, who had agreed to take part in the ceremony in exchange for regaining several papal territories, and for the opportunity of converting French citizens back to the Catholic Church.

Iceland's fall and the EU's ascendancy

Iceland is a fantastic, mysterious country located on the fringes of the habitable world where geothermal steam wisps slip through rock and ice fissures to escape into the cold blue sky.  Iceland is one of the most advanced and educated nations on the planet and was fast becoming a world-class financial power – until its economy collapsed.  What are the lessons for us?
