| Tomorrow's World

Christmas Past

Did you enjoy Christmas this year as much as last?  Because of the worldwide economic downturn, many decided to spend less on gifts than in past years.  Retailers certainly are not happy about this change.  But many discovered that what really makes Christmas special to them is not the material gifts but the special time they spend with loved ones.   Our consumer-driven Western culture has deceived us into thinking that the good life is only possible as we can buy it.  Perhaps this recession will cause many to refocus on their loved ones with increased appreciation and devotion.  

Black Friday

The day after Thanksgiving has traditionally been the biggest shopping day of the year and the "kickoff" to the holiday shopping frenzy.  "Black Friday," as retailers and businesses alike have dubbed it, is a day that economists predict most companies move from the "red" to the "black," and begin to realize a profit for the year.

Above the law

The scandal involving Governor Rod Blagojevich of Illinois has all eyes on the corrupt political environment that has traditionally surrounded the Chicago area. The FBI's wiretap recorded Governor Blagojevich's profanity-filled bid for personal gain – allegedly attempting to sell President-Elect Barack Obama's vacant Senate seat to the highest bidder. 

Zimbabwe's nightmare … a lesson for us

It is too easy to be overwhelmed by the statistics and not consider the agony.  It is too easy to dismiss the headlines as something happening "far away."  But today, men, women and children just like you are suffering and dying in Zimbabwe in a hopeless, hellish nightmare. 

Good friends, good gifts …

A couple months ago, to celebrate one of God's biblical Holy Days, some very good friends mailed me a small gift – a little tin of chocolate covered espresso beans.  They are delicious, so to make them last I have only a couple every few days.  When I eat a few of these tasty little treats, I remember my good friends – and their friendship.
