| Tomorrow's World

The "Spiritual Front"

The world held its breath last November 4 as the most powerful nation on earth elected its new president.  At the selection of Senator Barack Obama, there was much celebration, both in the U. S. and abroad.

The poor

The campaign rhetoric in the United States had much to say about the "poor." This word is rather vague and has various definitions, depending upon the perspective of the person using the term. Like the word "rich" it means different things to different people or groups. Poverty, like beauty, tends to be in the eye of the beholder.

Harvesting humans

Your Bible and the Catholic church do not often agree.  However, on the issues of human harvesting and human embryonic cloning, the rest of us should be just as appalled as are many Catholic leaders.

Real ballistic missile defense

Why is Russia conducting military exercises on a scale not seen since the Cold War?  While the US, the UK and much of Europe struggle through an increasingly painful financial meltdown, the mighty Russian military is conducting unprecedented nuclear missile tests, deep-water naval exercises, and long-range strategic bomber flights, of intensity not seen for more than 20 years.

Is the space-race over?

What does the future hold for the United States' space program?  Will our children and grandchildren explore planets and moons beyond our solar system?  The answer may surprise you.
