| Tomorrow's World

Satan's secret society and true Christianity

Secret societies such as the Trilateral Commission, the Bilderbergers, the Illuminati, the Burschenschaft and Opus Dei, are favorite topics of talk radio, Internet sites, books and movies. As evidenced by the popularity of blockbuster movies such as "Enemy of the State" and "Angels and Demons" to "Doomsday 2012: End of Days," as well as that of talk radio hosts like Michael Savage, Glenn Beck and Alex Jones, society is fascinated by conspiracy theories and clandestine organizations supposedly manipulating the masses.

The functional family

What happened to the "functional" family? You know, the one with a Dad and a Mom and children centered around the home, doing the things families do: working together, playing together, laughing and sometimes crying together.

Patience... mercy... longsuffering... forgiveness

These are hard words. They're easy to say, and easy to ask for, but much harder to give—at least sometimes. I'm convinced that, much of the time, I'm just about the most easy-going person in the world. At least, I feel like the most easy-going person I know. But other times...

The Importance of Recess to Childhood Development

When I was in elementary school, one of my favorite parts of the day was recess. Teachers would take us outdoors for sunshine, fresh air, and exercise—once in the morning and once in the afternoon. One game I especially enjoyed was kickball—a cross between dodge ball and baseball. We could not wait for those fun breaks from reciting math tables, correcting spelling errors on essays, and memorizing names and dates for history class.

How loyal are you in marriage?

You may know the famous story of Lewis & Clark's expedition across the American continent to the Pacific Ocean and back. However, many have not heard the story of a lesser known member of the party, a brave black Newfoundland dog named Seaman. He was just a dog, but his story is a lesson of faithfulness and loyalty. His story is a lesson that even husbands and wives should consider.
