| Tomorrow's World

How loyal are you in marriage?

You may know the famous story of Lewis & Clark's expedition across the American continent to the Pacific Ocean and back.  But many have not heard the story of a lesser known member of the party, a brave black Newfoundland dog named Seaman.  He was just a dog, but his story is a lesson of faithfulness and loyalty.  His story is a lesson that husbands and wives should consider.

The economy and the unknown

The world is beginning to wise up and to realize that the future is not as predictable as some had portrayed it to be – particularly in the area of finances and national economies. When will things turn around?  When will investors regain confidence?  When will the firings, layoffs, and downsizing stop?  Or more personally, when will my family begin to feel like we don't have to worry anymore about our future?

The answer from the experts is beginning to be a clear, definite, unequivocal, "We have no idea."

Friday the 13th: Superstition, Fear, or Fraud?

Are you suffering from paraskavedekatriaphobia? Or maybe triskaidekaphobia? What does Friday the 13th mean to you?

Is Friday the 13th a day when you expect “bad luck”? Is it a time to indulge in superstitious behavior “just in case” it might protect you from bad things that could happen? Is it an excuse to turn your mind toward unhealthy themes that run through our popular culture? Or can it be an occasion to reflect on the true facts behind man-made myths and legends?

Wanted: Men serious about the true faith

March is National Women's History Month and March 8 was International Women's Day, so a recent report was especially timely for women across the country. In a pronounced role reversal of history, male domination of religion through past centuries has given way in the United States to greater female involvement according to a LiveScience article by Robert Roy Britt.

The up-side of down

Can anything good come from the growing economic crisis the world faces?
