| Tomorrow's World

Rethink Church

"Rethink Church" has at times been a popular slogan. Do you want to be part of Jesus' faithful church; the "little flock" (Luke 12:32) that Jesus promised would never cease (Matthew 16:18)? If so, then here are ten Biblical keys to help us "rethink church" and analyze whether we are following Christ—or false human ideas.

A morsel before I die

Before the Haiti earthquake killed more than 150,000 and left thousands more orphaned and injured, it was already a very desperate place.  Unemployment was well above 50%.  Corruption and brutality were common.  And many people in Port au Prince survived on only $200 a year.  That was before the earthquake.  But, as terrible as it is in Haiti, even now – much worse is coming.

Tuol Sleng, Creation of a Sinful World

The notorious Kaing Guek Eav has finally been sentenced.  He will receive 30 years imprisonment for the torture and murder of an estimated 14,000 people.  The evil that he participated in is almost unbelievable.  It poses hard questions.  Why is there so much evil in the world?  How long will God tolerate such evil?  Theologians and philosophers have long struggled with these questions.

Do you love the truth?

Why do some celebrities experience a rapid rise to stardom out of relative obscurity, and then simply fade into the backdrop of history, seldom to be remembered? Because popularity is fleeting. An article in the Kansas City Star dated July 29, 2010 titled "A Real Lady" states the philosophy and one of the goals of the singer, Lady Gaga.

At Churchill's Feet

Some years ago while traveling abroad, I was fortunate to have the opportunity to visit the grave of Winston Churchill, at St. Martins Church in Bladon, England. As I sat at the foot of his grave, I felt a strong sense of comfort and safety. My thoughts fell on just how close Britain and the Commonwealth had come to defeat and utter destruction in the Second World War. The world would not be the same even now if God had not directly intervened.
