| Tomorrow's World

Godless and confused?

Fundamental changes are on the horizon for Europe! Top European Union leaders have questions about the future of the continent—and they realize that difficult times are ahead.

Europe—Remember April 10, 1241

April 10, 1241 has haunted the European collective consciousness for centuries. World history would have been very different had the Tartars not abruptly halted their furious advance into the heart of Europe. Why did the Tartars stop? Why was Europe spared? Will a great eastern army again advance on European powers? Will Europe escape a second time?

China calls to replace the dollar...but with what?

China's central bank is suggesting that the US dollar be replaced as the international reserve currency. Is this a viable possibility? What would this mean for the U.S.A.? What currency would be considered for a new world economic order?

Zhou Xiaochuan, Governor of the People's Bank of China states in an essay posted earlier this week that "The outbreak of the [financial] crisis and its spillover to the entire world reflected the inherent vulnerabilities and systemic risks in the existing international monetary system." (Taiwan News Online, March 25, 2009)

By Prayer and Fasting...

Scripture tells us what our Savior did to acquire spiritual strength, in connection with the devil's attack on Him: "Then Jesus was led up by the Spirit into the wilderness to be tempted [or tried] by the devil. And when He had fasted forty days and forty nights, afterward He was hungry" (Matthew 4:1–2). Notice—He fasted!

No Religion?

On December 14, 2008, I traveled to the town of Terezin, in the Czech Republic, with a German friend of mine. There is a former Nazi-controlled Jewish-ghetto-turned-concentration camp located there. Endless brick walls constitute the fortress—a sea of orange, yellow, and red bricks against a canvas of green grass, stretching long between the structures. Most of the walls and buildings were crowned with barbed wire.
