Faithful Christians annually observe the Day of Atonement (Yom Kippur) as a recurring reminder that Satan the Devil will soon be bound and imprisoned in the abyss for 1000 years. But, the Day of Atonement represents much more than that.
Researchers have found that heavy users of the social networking site Facebook tend to be more insecure and self-absorbed than others who do not use the popular site. "Individuals higher in narcissism and lower in self-esteem spent more time on the site and filled their pages with more self-promotional content," according to a recent York University press release.
Don't speak of the past because "we've gotten past it." That was the sentiment of the daughter of film director Volker Schlondorff according to an article published by The New York Times September 10, 2010.
What happened to the "functional" family? You know, the one with a Dad and a Mom and children centered around the home, doing the things families do, working together, playing together, laughing and sometimes crying together.
Almost any time of the day, you can open your front door and get slammed in the face with a noisy, busy world based on false values and false education. Bravely, we say we aren't really affected by what's going on in the world. We can even claim that "we aren't really part of what the world's about these days."