| Tomorrow's World


"Buy Gold!" scream dozens of headlines in various financial newsletters, internet websites and television commercials. It seems that the economic uncertainty of the times has motivated people with assets to seek a safe haven, and what could be more attractive than gold, the standard of monetary value for millennia.

Template or temple?

A recent column in an east coast newspaper, syndicated across America, took a light-hearted look at one of the most disturbing of modern issues: sex realignment surgery and the resultant impact on a new life.

A recent Boston Globe column by writer Ellen Goodman explored the murky world of a woman who decided to change her physical body to match what she decided was her true inward reality – a man.

Have we learned the wrong lessons from 9/11?

Another September 11 anniversary has come and gone. It is a day when our country cannot help but recall the horrific attack we suffered seven years ago. As we all surrounded our television screens watching smoke pouring out of the Twin Towers and the Pentagon in attacks that eventually cost some 3,000 lives, we came to the realization that something had changed.

Sudden destruction!

Is it possible that the United States and Britain could become so economically weak that we would no longer be able to afford the military equipment needed for our very defense? Could a time come when our factories are controlled by hostile nations and are used to produce weaponry for our enemies? Would you believe that these prophecies are already starting to come true?

What is truth?

When it comes to politics, philosophy and religion, truth is usually a commodity in short supply.
