| Tomorrow's World

China quake will cause global economic aftershock

Rescuers reaching the epicenter of China's 7.9 magnitude May 12, 2008 earthquake were met by scenes of horrific devastation. With bridges destroyed, and roads cut by landslides, soldiers had to hike to the remote city of Yingxiu in Wenchuan county, where they found just 3,300 survivors – 1,000 severely injured – from the town's population of 10,000.

No pleasure?

What's your pleasure? A question that is often asked in this hedonistic society, especially in the Western world, seemingly insulated from the incredible devastation that has struck the Asian countries in recent times.

Behold, a Black Horse

Grocery store shelves empty, food-lines riots breaking out, reports of people killing and stealing from one another are scenarios, too frequently, seen on the evening cable news channels in the war-torn and disaster-plagued countries of the third world.

But could such scenes ever be duplicated in the richest nations of the world, nations such as the United States, Great Britain, France or Australia?

In the Miley Cyrus flap, where's critique of photographer?

The shock and controversy surrounding the Vanity Fair bareback-in-a-sheet photo-shoot of popular fifteen-year-old television and singing star Miley Cyrus has been passionate and persistent. The voices criticizing Miss Cyrus' choice to be in such a photo have been loud and numerous.

Foolish words

Whether it is a politician accidentally talking into a "live" microphone, a parent berating a troubled child, or a boss haranguing fearful subordinates, how often have we heard a speaker blurt out a thoughtless or rash statement without considering the feelings and sensitivities of the hearers?
