| Tomorrow's World

Make a Chain

“If it bleeds, it leads” seems to be the rule that newspapers, television and other news sources use today—and they have no shortage of heinous crimes and tragic occurrences to write about.

Rape, robbery, murder, extortion, corruption in political and business circles and other acts of crime and violence seem to permeate all strata of our society. Abductions, once rare, are now almost commonplace. And yet, our entertainment, in the form of television and movies, is filled with stories—some fictional, some true—of murder, mayhem and intrigue.

Animal Rights - Treating animals like human beings

So-called "animal rights activists" are aggressively promoting this incredibly dumb idea.  Carried out to the extreme, this cockamamie idea means to ascribe to animals the rights and privileges that human beings have.

The CB radio preacher

I thought I had heard it all on the CB radio until the other day when an argument ensued after a preacher/trucker began proclaiming his message of salvation on Channel 19 – the CB channel used by truckers to get traffic and "Smokey" reports.

Jeremiah and prosperity preaching

"Prosperity preachers" proclaim that God wants you to have material wealth and happiness—right now. While positive thinking has its merits, does God promise prosperity, health, and happiness for you in this life? In the years ahead, this question, and the strength of your relationship with God and Jesus Christ, will become more profound than you may realize.

Japan – and the United States and Great Britain in prophecy

For those who understand that there is more to sustained financial recovery than the recent stock-market run-up, there are serious concerns about western nations' economic futures.  What do these worries have to do with Yukio Hatoyama and his "revolutionary" election victory to become Prime Minister of Japan?  And what does the Bible say about the eastern nations' rise and the western nations' demise at the time of the end?
