| Tomorrow's World

Iran convulses – will the king of the South emerge?

Tehran is boiling and world opinion is hardening over Iran's recent presidential election.  What is happening inside Iran today?  How are the great powers reacting?  Do recent events align with Bible prophecy?  Could these events accelerate the emergence of the prophesied end-time king of the South?  What are the implications for Europe, America and the world? 

Satan's WMD

Over the past several years, there has been much debate as to whether Iraq's former malevolent dictator, Sadaam Hussein, possessed Weapons of Mass Destruction prior to the U.S.-led invasion by a "coalition of the willing."

Some former military officers have alleged that Iraq sent weapons out of the country to Syria in military truck convoys and several gutted 747 aircraft flying sorties from Iran "caught on tape" by U.S. spy satellites,. However, once under Coalition control, actual WMD were not found – even after diligent search.

China's "Tank Man" and the search for freedom

Twenty years ago, on June 5, 1989, the world's imagination was captured by a shocking image. A young Chinese man, standing alone in a Beijing street near Tiananmen Square, bravely faced a column of People's Army tanks, demanding that they leave his city. What—if any—lasting effect did his actions have on Chinese society, and on our world? What lessons can we learn as a result?

The richness of growing old

Last week, I spent an afternoon with a gentleman in our local congregation who had just returned home after three days in the hospital.  He's home now, and doing better. At 106 years of age, he has maintained a tenacious hold on life. 

What is Right With America?

Once, while watching my 13-year-old grandson play a Little League baseball game in an All Star game on a summer’s afternoon, I watched the nation’s favorite pastime unfold in a good example of playing hard by the rules and accepting the outcome graciously. I observed the parents, coaches and umpires enjoying the game, and the lessons of life that the players were learning.
