| Tomorrow's World

The key to profit

My Dad worked in the coal mines of Novinger for seven years. Seven years is considered 14 years as the coal mine calculated it. Coal mining is notoriously arduous work, but Dad didn't mind. That's what kept food on his family's table.

My Dad's inability to read or write did not keep him from finding honorable work after the coal-mining years. Whether he was digging ditches, operating forklifts, tearing up concrete with a jack-hammer, or trading and selling animals to make ends meet, we never missed a meal.

Babel's last hurrah!

The G20 Summit held in London recently was an opportunity for the new players on the world scene to change the global financial landscape. Countries that do not subscribe to the United States' and Great Britain's free-wheeling economic model want to increase banking regulations and replace the dollar as the world's reserve currency.

A single nuke could destroy America?

The coalescence of science fiction and politics together is no longer such a dubious lineup.  Take for instance the March 29 Newsmax piece written by former Speaker of the U.S.

Reaching Life's Real Goal

Ambitious businesspeople, athletes, politicians—and zealots of all sorts—commit their full energies to advancing their personal agendas. They will lose sleep, drive themselves and stop at almost nothing to achieve their goals. Some may strive for integrity and honesty, but many will use any deceitful tactic, lie or evil to get their way. And for what? Is their all-consuming purpose worthwhile? Will it benefit the character and quality of life of those around them? What is the real goal for which all of us should be striving?

The Columbine High School shooting: ten years later

In less than an hour on Tuesday, April 20, 1999, twelve students and a teacher were dead, 23 others had been injured, and the shooters had killed themselves in the school library. The Columbine High School shooting came and went quickly, but the question, "What really happened at Columbine—and why?" has remained ever since.
